O Saint Maria,
while you lived among us,
you showed us that obedience to the will of God is the path to the Kingdom of heaven.
Though the world was engulfed in war and had forgotten the ways of God,
you never ceased to care for the sick, the homeless, the weak and the spiritually lost.
You did not let the coldness of hatred enter into your being,
but showed compassion toward all God's children.
Now, O faithful witness of Christ our God,
look down from your heavenly abode upon those who raise their voice to you in prayer.
Intercede for us before the Throne of God,
that we may be strengthened in love for God and love for our neighbor.
Grant us the grace to see God's image in every human being.
Through word and deed, you taught us to be patient in suffering,
joyful in time of adversity, and to put one's trust in God's providence at all times,
at every place and in each circumstance during our lifetime.
Grant us to see our countless voluntary and involuntary sins.
Renew our faith and trust in the Living God and His forgiveness.
At the hour of our death, take us by the hand,
granting us the courage to stand before the awesome judgement seat of Christ.
May we be counted worthy of the joy of the eternal Kingdom
awaiting all those Who love Christ with their whole hearts.
가족 교회,바르셀로나(Temple Expiatorio De La Sagrada Familia)1883~ 현재까지...
가우디의 평생 작업으로 설계는 완성되었으나,
현재에도 지어지고 있는 그의 대표작이다.
전형적인 라틴 십자형 평면이지만
신의 손을 연상케하는 경이로운 조형과
그의 작품을 끈기있게 완성해 가는 바르셀로나인들의 문화적 포용력은
우리와 어떻게 다른가?
가우디는 이 건축물을 양식의 집합이라고 말하였듯이
다양한 양식의 장점을 살렸으며,
수많은 조각들은 일반 눈높이를 기준으로 하여 착시교정이 되어있다.