Looking at the trucks running forward and backward on the street,
I was worried about them. Suddenly, a big truck passed swiftly in front of me.
What left on the ground is a little pile of black shadow.
I knew some disaster had happend ... again.
Birds are also quite sentimental.
Even though the swallow lying on the ground would no longer budge a bit,
another one, looked like his family, flew to the side of him,
relunctant to accept the truth ...
The third swallow came close to them,
seemingly trying to tell him that the truth couldn't be changed ...
But, he screamed dolorously, demanding his friend to leave ...
he would rather believe that the disaster had never happened...
Another big truck passed. Strong blast turned the dead swallow on the ground.
Observing the change of his gesture,
the family swallow was inspired and flew immediately back to accompany the dead swallow ...
Accompanying the dead swallow, he shrieked at him, "Get up! Get up!"
Unfortunately, the other one could no longer respond ...
Suddenly, the family swallow stepped closer, trying to grab his body and get him up ...
However, it's too much a burden for him ... But still, he fluttered the wings, again and again ...
The dead swallow couldn't respond, even through he wanted to .... I believe so ...
Another car passed, the family swallow flew up in fright,
but came down again immediately after the car had left ...
Even though the other swallows told him that the efforts were in vain,
he didn't give up, hoping against hope that his family would get up again ...
Another truck passed. The body budged a bit because of the blast ...
The family swallow was inspired again and tried every possible attempt to get him up ...
Finally, he used up all the strength he coud possibly gather ...
but still, he couldn't get any response from his family ...
All of a sudden, he couldn't bear the sorrow, shrieking at him,
"Why don't you get up ?!!!"
I couldn't continue the writing
At last, I was worried that this family swallow, which kept flying up
and down when the truck passed, would get hurt by the vehicles,
so I couldn't help but move the dead swallow to the bush on the side of the street,
although I knew I shouln't have interfered.
The family swallow hovered in the sky and screamed several times.
Finally, he flew away ... accepted the truth
These pictures were originally posted on a website in Taiwan
'엘 콘도 파사(El Condor Pasa)' 노래의 원래 의미를 되새겨 보면,
사이먼과 가펑클(Simon& Garfunkel) 의 노랫말 가사는 " 철새는 떠나고 " 로
콘도르를 철새로 해석하여 계절이 바뀜을 자연의 이치를 받아들여 보금자리를
떠나야 하는 이별의 슬픔을 노래 하였으나, 안데스 산맥의 사계절 텃새 콘도르가
살고 있던 곳을 떠난다는 것은 보금자리를 빼앗겨 기약 없이 쫓겨 난다는 것을
의미하는 상징성은 고향을 떠나야만 처지의 아픔과 한을 담고 있기에 그 해석은
사뭇 다르 다고 할수 있겠지요